Wednesday, November 01, 2006

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I'm Back!
Been too busy this week. Let me summarise what happenned recently.(:

On monday, I went to "jalan raya" with the technicals.

Those who went: Me, Rusdan, Rusydi, Rafi, Rasul, Ramdhan, Rayyan, Rizyanti, Ridhuan, Rasyiqah, Rasyiqah's bf, Furqaan, Yan, Said, Surayah, Surayah's bf, Hamdan, Hamdan's gf, Faizal, Faizal's gf, Fadhilah, Fadilah's bf, Hafiz, Ian, Nazri

Went to ____ house: Rayyan, Yan, Nordin etc..

On tuesday,

Those who went: Me, Rusdan, Iqmal, Sufiyan, Maszlee, Firdaus, Insyirah, Atiqah, Azrin, Huda, Iman, Akil, Zairie, Zairie's gf, Ahmad, Ahmad's gf, Amirul

Went to ____ house: Firdaus, Mdm Rehana, Akil, Fairuz, Iqmal, Mazslee etc..

Cheeses, I had total fun interacting with Ahmad's gf, Nadia. She's pretty! Plus Zairie's gf, Nana. Haha! I wonder if she can "tahan" Zairie's cheekiness. Bleuk! Overall I guess Mdm Rey & Iqmal's mum dishes is the tastiest. Mdm Rey cooked seashell-shaped pasta with prego sauce. Delicious! Whilst Iqmal's mum cooked Mee Soto with different kinds of toppings to choose from. WOWS, I'm totally impressed. ((-: Too bad if u never get to taste it.
Planned to go out with them again next week.
This time we bring along Khalil, Aisah, Ifwat, Haikal. (:

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