Friday, September 08, 2006

The pain that was crawling inside my foot was still visible to my senses.
All because of having a bad fall in cinema recently.
A REALLY BAD FALL! until my face reach the carpet!
It really answer to the nature that I'm going to lead a horrible week.
hold your applauses if u were to give a mean remark.
You might ask what really happened today won't you?

After that bad fall, I had ANOTHER FALL!
urgh. you can set ur applauses now.
not at cinema, but at a hellish staircase.
MOREOVER, it happened..
infront of that twin! twice!
& my face painted a deepest red!

It's getting even weaker every minute.
I managed to walk still and had a normal time with my friends.
Red, Ram, Di, Dan, Toyol.
I pitied Lulu somehow she had to attend to her father at hospital.
So we decided to spent our time at bowling centre. duh!
And yeah.. RusyD won~ *roll eyes* haha!

Those fun moments lasted only for awhile.
The horrible curse still on the line.
It turned out that each of my friends led out their inner problems.
I learnt that basically it involved love & friendships.
Friendships is all on between us. Those frightful misunderstandings.
This is what happens when we're all too close. *sighs*
They seemed to blow their anger everytime.
(fierce se.. da besar drg)

I tend to relax my mind still.
I took this as a part & parcel of life.

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