Saturday, April 04, 2009

love is not about how much we want each other/that person. its about how much we need each other/that person.

recently you bumped into a new girlA outside whom you assumed has everything a guy need in a girl. she have good looks and all. you want her. but deep down you know you need girlB who is back home. always there for you all this while , someone you're entirely comfortable with under the sun. GirlB might not be as perfect as GirlA. but she's someone you will be searching for in every need. you know. you love her.

you may want a person with good looks. but you know very well you need good attitude from that person.
you may want a person who is famous. but you need that person to have a look-at-only-you mode.

i hope this is answerable to your questions/problems az. =D xx solved xx

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