Sunday, April 01, 2007

Feels like surrendur-ing myself & be the dead!i hate the month of march.its suck-ed the heaven out of me.every minute is hellish.=( hopefully,april will be better.i had enough of shits.some boys makes those shits!cikgu da macam tailong homework.sighs.maybe by now my friends will be awfully tired of hearing me grumbling,mumbling,complaining over such shitty matters.
my degree.. has gone up to's really high.i took half-day rest on the fan,no sweets,no entertainment.i badly need to get myself sweaty & healthy.yesterday night,i met up with anis.i gave back his jacket that i borrowed for 2 months.i really gonna miss that jacket. =( whenever im cold,i hold on to, just forget it.anyway,i better go.i'm hungry!

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