IheartSEANPAUL##. deadly. :)
Am fatigue. Not the best optimum to update. problems aside as iREALLY am frazzled.tsk.FRIDAYis more of like a WHOLE DAY outing. i dint attend sch. off to hospital as usual. NOBODY knew why i go. i keep it low. the best part is: i met azrie! yeys. im in pink, he's in brown. am sho sorry fo being late. wherever we went, we went -gaga-. funny outing. we explored the whole cozwey & library across. omg. at5pm we went off to our own destination. me, off to campfire. it rained twice. but still, ard 7plus, they had it!. at night, i&atiqah drop my macds. zuriel served US!. shoo embarasssed. i even put my head down to avoid his gaze. hehex. 9+ finaally. home sweet home. TODAY## in 30 minutes, off to swimming. yippee. with my darlings in crap. stressOUT!.
songs U should listen to: Original One!perangkap Cinta. & never wanna Make U cry- kevinLyttle.
A heart breaking isn't always as loud as a bomb exploding.. Sometimes it can be as quiet as a feather falling.. And the most painful thing is, no one really hears it, except you.."
Friday, March 31, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Here i am, done Some researches. THIS IS:
a lyric that may Unlock Ur heart to Reality of Love.
Enjoii darlings. =D (menghayati lah ..)
Berapa lamakah lagi
Trpaksa aku menanti
Sehingga pedihnya penyiksaan di hati
Bukan hanya kepentingan
Malahan keegoan telah ku korbankan
Berlimpahan kasih sayang...
aku curahkan Buat mu seorang...
Kiranya semua itu Tak bermadai bagi mu
Apa sebenarnya yang kau mahu
Ku tak tahu...
Kau hilang bila ku tiba
Kau datang bila ku kecewa...
Terasa diri...di persenda...
Dimana berakhirnya nanti
Permainan sendiwara mu ini...
Sesungguhnya aku... tak mengerti...
Jika benar cinta itu buta...
Butakah mata ku...
Berkali terluka masih jua... ku merindu...
Apa yang ku inginkan...
Cuma kejujuran dalam perhubungan...
Jika itu tiada...
Apalah ertinya...
Penantian ini hanya sia-sia..
Have not been Updating For quite few Days. Things went Absolutely fine. Azrie is my sms Partner lately. Zuriel's been having cca& he'll be working this friday.yeys. But oh, don't get me wrong. I dont have lots of guys. They like me. i like them too. but ME! IM in a sense of JUSTFRENDS# .. FIRST! .. as, i luuurbs expanding circles of frends/relationships/ties.
But i dont understand why? that .. my heart ache for this someone. whenever my heart beats,it mention his name. guess who ..
#backONTRACK## today go causeway with frends. ida, azrie, zai kept calling my hp! so irritated seh. hehex. sorry darls. iREALLYam too busy at that moment. "tgh menikmati makanan .. njoii shopping .. ader2 ajer" =) i spend alort. since my sister & bro gifted me some cash. endless pink stuff i bought. ONEmoment i cant forget is that, a guy came up to me & ask fo donation, guess what i do? I LAUGHED AT HIM!. there he is being serious, im here laughing like idiot. moreover he says im a poly student. OMG.? do i look blardeyMATURED to him? tsk. sakit hati .. FLIPFLAVAS' fo the day -> bas drama. a guy sleep at bus till he fell! the ite girl laugh and poke his face. (as usual, i laugh like hell). a malayskater dude trip & knock his head on aircon. chicken little!. a bangla guy digging his nose away. his shirt is BLARDEY perfumic! tableh tahan siuk. ANDlast. my frend sneeze DAMNloud seeh. SOworst!. here i am laughing till my cheek HURTS!.
so many things happened. zai&khairi approached. si faizal with his nonstop qns. darling houshuai kept asking me to teach him malay. Yeeaa. today: lesson he Learnt. : Kau takde otak, bodoh. <> ni meiyo nau ah! <> funny.tsk.
Here i am, done Some researches. THIS IS:
a lyric that may Unlock Ur heart to Reality of Love.
Enjoii darlings. =D (menghayati lah ..)
Berapa lamakah lagi
Trpaksa aku menanti
Sehingga pedihnya penyiksaan di hati
Bukan hanya kepentingan
Malahan keegoan telah ku korbankan
Berlimpahan kasih sayang...
aku curahkan Buat mu seorang...
Kiranya semua itu Tak bermadai bagi mu
Apa sebenarnya yang kau mahu
Ku tak tahu...
Kau hilang bila ku tiba
Kau datang bila ku kecewa...
Terasa diri...di persenda...
Dimana berakhirnya nanti
Permainan sendiwara mu ini...
Sesungguhnya aku... tak mengerti...
Jika benar cinta itu buta...
Butakah mata ku...
Berkali terluka masih jua... ku merindu...
Apa yang ku inginkan...
Cuma kejujuran dalam perhubungan...
Jika itu tiada...
Apalah ertinya...
Penantian ini hanya sia-sia..
Have not been Updating For quite few Days. Things went Absolutely fine. Azrie is my sms Partner lately. Zuriel's been having cca& he'll be working this friday.yeys. But oh, don't get me wrong. I dont have lots of guys. They like me. i like them too. but ME! IM in a sense of JUSTFRENDS# .. FIRST! .. as, i luuurbs expanding circles of frends/relationships/ties.
But i dont understand why? that .. my heart ache for this someone. whenever my heart beats,it mention his name. guess who ..
#backONTRACK## today go causeway with frends. ida, azrie, zai kept calling my hp! so irritated seh. hehex. sorry darls. iREALLYam too busy at that moment. "tgh menikmati makanan .. njoii shopping .. ader2 ajer" =) i spend alort. since my sister & bro gifted me some cash. endless pink stuff i bought. ONEmoment i cant forget is that, a guy came up to me & ask fo donation, guess what i do? I LAUGHED AT HIM!. there he is being serious, im here laughing like idiot. moreover he says im a poly student. OMG.? do i look blardeyMATURED to him? tsk. sakit hati .. FLIPFLAVAS' fo the day -> bas drama. a guy sleep at bus till he fell! the ite girl laugh and poke his face. (as usual, i laugh like hell). a malayskater dude trip & knock his head on aircon. chicken little!. a bangla guy digging his nose away. his shirt is BLARDEY perfumic! tableh tahan siuk. ANDlast. my frend sneeze DAMNloud seeh. SOworst!. here i am laughing till my cheek HURTS!.
so many things happened. zai&khairi approached. si faizal with his nonstop qns. darling houshuai kept asking me to teach him malay. Yeeaa. today: lesson he Learnt. : Kau takde otak, bodoh. <> ni meiyo nau ah! <> funny.tsk.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Back to hp,back to com, back to past. U remember Hazwan? i Do. MSGs finally. Suprised, VERY SUPRISED. he's with azura. nice story. MSGs wanting to poke me. #goAWAY# pls. i hateTHIS. wat stupid bulletin u put up?? PLAYBOYNO1 kat Jurong WEST.. U are .. URGHH!!!!!!!!!! #draggingNOMORE ..
yesterday, i went to town. Splendid Quality time. spot Joanne&Han Joo. new discovery! carrot cake @ lucky plaza tastes Fantab. amazing discovery no.2, theres a new tshirtdesign making shop with blardeygood drawings. i got the name card & pics taken at hp. =D
afternoons, showed up at performance STAGE area near cinneleisure. hipHOP performances. Totally cool. My peeps were there. Rizal the rapper performed. yeys. interesting arena+peoples. skaters+footballers nearby. wowwow yeah. im loving it.
### back to Today. ## sit at home. k. tsk. BYEEE.
yesterday, i went to town. Splendid Quality time. spot Joanne&Han Joo. new discovery! carrot cake @ lucky plaza tastes Fantab. amazing discovery no.2, theres a new tshirtdesign making shop with blardeygood drawings. i got the name card & pics taken at hp. =D
afternoons, showed up at performance STAGE area near cinneleisure. hipHOP performances. Totally cool. My peeps were there. Rizal the rapper performed. yeys. interesting arena+peoples. skaters+footballers nearby. wowwow yeah. im loving it.
### back to Today. ## sit at home. k. tsk. BYEEE.
Friday, March 24, 2006
#NOBODYS PERFECT# .. not even YOU. so TRUE. =D .
Here i am. wonderCYCLONES hitting every corner of my mind. what am i supposed to do?how to help her?i cant stand looking at my bestie. RNNE; she's carrying a Bleeding Heart. I WONDER, why PPL couldnt be just happy for them. [APIS&RNNE].
By First, when U insult them, U're gifted with mountains of Sin. Moreover if thats Ur own Siblings. Besides that, LET THEM make their own decisions.lt them be. WHATS UR PROBLEM? if they "SHOW OFF", why are U Uneasy abt it? its not that they "SHOW OFF". it shows how much they love each other, telling the whole world; THATS HER/HIM. isnt that Romantique.?. Some ppl preferred being low profiled. Some ppl preffered being high profiled. It all based on its own's person. theres No Right&Wrong in it.
PLUS,, basically.. WE ALL KNOW .. Relationship wont last. it all ends with tears.
Today's Schours rock Bebeh. I Lurbs MingXing. Hou Shuai. YongSheng. they're the Apple of My Eyes. *winkies*. Esp MX & HS. my darlings in crap. AKU CINTA SAMA KAMU* pst: too bad they gt their HOT Gfs & i hv my guyss.
last but not least, CCA is the FLIPFLAVA's of the day. cafe, eat .. went to teens leisure & played monopoly & jenga. Dayah's an intrepid human overall today. back home late as usual =).
#NOBODYS PERFECT# .. not even YOU. so TRUE. =D .
Here i am. wonderCYCLONES hitting every corner of my mind. what am i supposed to do?how to help her?i cant stand looking at my bestie. RNNE; she's carrying a Bleeding Heart. I WONDER, why PPL couldnt be just happy for them. [APIS&RNNE].
By First, when U insult them, U're gifted with mountains of Sin. Moreover if thats Ur own Siblings. Besides that, LET THEM make their own decisions.lt them be. WHATS UR PROBLEM? if they "SHOW OFF", why are U Uneasy abt it? its not that they "SHOW OFF". it shows how much they love each other, telling the whole world; THATS HER/HIM. isnt that Romantique.?. Some ppl preferred being low profiled. Some ppl preffered being high profiled. It all based on its own's person. theres No Right&Wrong in it.
PLUS,, basically.. WE ALL KNOW .. Relationship wont last. it all ends with tears.
Today's Schours rock Bebeh. I Lurbs MingXing. Hou Shuai. YongSheng. they're the Apple of My Eyes. *winkies*. Esp MX & HS. my darlings in crap. AKU CINTA SAMA KAMU* pst: too bad they gt their HOT Gfs & i hv my guyss.
last but not least, CCA is the FLIPFLAVA's of the day. cafe, eat .. went to teens leisure & played monopoly & jenga. Dayah's an intrepid human overall today. back home late as usual =).
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Yesterday never school. Am sick, am Fatigue. woke-up at 11.30am; what do u expect? get pack to Sch? rather enjoy the Snores. &Today, back to sch. Glad to sit beside the Childish yet 19th year Old Hou shuai. Mingxing then Blurted "Rose, long time never see u" greeaat. & start making fun of me as usual. call me whuuut? MAWAR. their pronounciation of mawar is more like .. MAWAK!. so Ugly sia the word. =/ . i regret teaching them. But then, english Lesson is where FLIPFLAVA' hits. every representative from each group had to present the speech. im ONE of them. *GULLLP*. when it was my turn, i trembled & my hand was vibrating!. shits. i tried my best to deliver my essay on "what i want my parents to know abt me". Guess what, my paper was in A DEEP MESS. my paragraph was all over. =p heez. Luckily. OH. Luckily i hit the mark. teacher commented tht mine is the most meaningfull essay. cheers&applause. voting time! & i get the most vote. but. im 2nd. teacher picked rachel tho.' but nah, she deliver the essay well too!. =) came back in & houshuai geng, azrin geng, huda geng cheered & talked to me.thanks fo the support aisah!. recess, fida geng commented on it, after sch, jia yi commented on it too. U guys ROCK bebeh.
this cut off my worries on zuzu. he'll be back tmrw liaos. cant wait. mis those stupididiot talk. mcm best gitu kans. haaasss. =). anyway ..
hmm. but i got few curious feeling on a guy named "fir" tampines. how he gt my numb? he said .. he get my number thru his frend. WHO is it?? niceeeee. its for him to know and i to find out.
last but not least. ive terminated my numb! applying new numb tmrw. yeys. 24/7 with my hp. daaaa.. (*.*)\/
this cut off my worries on zuzu. he'll be back tmrw liaos. cant wait. mis those stupididiot talk. mcm best gitu kans. haaasss. =). anyway ..
hmm. but i got few curious feeling on a guy named "fir" tampines. how he gt my numb? he said .. he get my number thru his frend. WHO is it?? niceeeee. its for him to know and i to find out.
last but not least. ive terminated my numb! applying new numb tmrw. yeys. 24/7 with my hp. daaaa.. (*.*)\/
Monday, March 20, 2006
sch went fantab. finally back to my partner Hou Shuai. 19 but still childish. heez. envy his merepeks. but im sick!. so .. i dont attend mass run & p.e lesson (rugby). after sch i stayed at the cafe & done some duties, free food bla bla. everything went so fine only tht i caught up with some smelly mouth girls. AJs. i ignored them, coz i dont care!. then .. RAIN FALLS .. i felt like not returning home so i & my frend set off to mcds. Talking bot mcds, i remembered Zuriel!. he's having camp for 3 solid days. greeaaat. =/ .. bored liao mah without him. tsk. nort fair.
too much going ON. yuan li done a stupid act on me. Hidayah showed me the pictures of our fren Hakim & Hisyam (twins). how matured they've grown. =) till hidayah cair for Hisyam rather than Kimi. ahaaks. heran bin ajaib. selalunya Kimi.
Then i remembered .. Haikal.
wonder if Haikal is ok by now. Hmmps. =) cheer up.
sch went fantab. finally back to my partner Hou Shuai. 19 but still childish. heez. envy his merepeks. but im sick!. so .. i dont attend mass run & p.e lesson (rugby). after sch i stayed at the cafe & done some duties, free food bla bla. everything went so fine only tht i caught up with some smelly mouth girls. AJs. i ignored them, coz i dont care!. then .. RAIN FALLS .. i felt like not returning home so i & my frend set off to mcds. Talking bot mcds, i remembered Zuriel!. he's having camp for 3 solid days. greeaaat. =/ .. bored liao mah without him. tsk. nort fair.
too much going ON. yuan li done a stupid act on me. Hidayah showed me the pictures of our fren Hakim & Hisyam (twins). how matured they've grown. =) till hidayah cair for Hisyam rather than Kimi. ahaaks. heran bin ajaib. selalunya Kimi.
Then i remembered .. Haikal.
wonder if Haikal is ok by now. Hmmps. =) cheer up.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
yesterday was a hotshot. pheew. hole day OUT SHOPPING. at 10am set off to salon. mum rebond hair. 4hour must wait. tsk. but i help myself by cut+wash+blow+dry. splendid, im now loving my hair. yeys. i spend 10bucks on mcds & kfcs. anthr 10bucks on slippers whilst waiting. afternoon,dad pick us up & set off eating at kedai kopi near mosque. ate my fav! Nasi Ayam Goreng. late afternoon drop by meeting Sharon till dusk. funfilledfreaks. Night shopping at wm~. buy shirts,watches, accessories & shorts. ahaaks. with my whooole family. including baby raul excluding my brother. so tired! so SHUT DOWN. engines running out. but weirdest part is; i cant bobok!. thinking of hw, haikal & food. tried to blow it off by still msging zuriel the whooole night. funny liao. heez. when i tried to close my eyes .. Riki disturbed me. Urghh! he's my sleeping partner since january. irritating chicken little. he will kept asking me to draw shapes, numbers & sing me a chicken little song. if not, techno, hothotheat songs!. how terrible is that? a kid age4 years old . gee, fascinated though. a terrible night.
yesterday was a hotshot. pheew. hole day OUT SHOPPING. at 10am set off to salon. mum rebond hair. 4hour must wait. tsk. but i help myself by cut+wash+blow+dry. splendid, im now loving my hair. yeys. i spend 10bucks on mcds & kfcs. anthr 10bucks on slippers whilst waiting. afternoon,dad pick us up & set off eating at kedai kopi near mosque. ate my fav! Nasi Ayam Goreng. late afternoon drop by meeting Sharon till dusk. funfilledfreaks. Night shopping at wm~. buy shirts,watches, accessories & shorts. ahaaks. with my whooole family. including baby raul excluding my brother. so tired! so SHUT DOWN. engines running out. but weirdest part is; i cant bobok!. thinking of hw, haikal & food. tried to blow it off by still msging zuriel the whooole night. funny liao. heez. when i tried to close my eyes .. Riki disturbed me. Urghh! he's my sleeping partner since january. irritating chicken little. he will kept asking me to draw shapes, numbers & sing me a chicken little song. if not, techno, hothotheat songs!. how terrible is that? a kid age4 years old . gee, fascinated though. a terrible night.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Drowzy, Emetic. No mood to eat. Bleeding finger. MRT incident is de only FLIPFLAVA fo de day. Firstly, "kid" from Bara sat beside me fo de whole damn journey. -tak jakon-. Then, Hyrul anuar came in with a Girl. clothings? Fuuyoh! . with Shiny specs Somemore.
-jakon sikit- Not only that; A guy look EXACTLY like SHAGGY hop in at Raffles. -ni baru jakon- i mumbled .."ni mesti shaggy syndicate .. Nasib bukan sean paul .. klu tidak, aku da kejar dia .. Hehe .." Futhermore, theres happyhouse girls, vondutchers, bitches which i Mainly hate. Weird sights counted in like, womens without Bras wearing a see-thru shirts-plabutos-, a stylish modern nyonya with long dyed hair,tappered pants, top. ( dari blakang nmpk muda, skali pandang muka., krepot lah ..) Many sight seeing Ive done huh?, Hehe .. Being sick, makes myself so Unpretty, slack clothes & deadface. Dont worry!as i gt well, i'll be in my every best clothes. Besides, i bought new shoe, slippers, miniskirtie & mp3! .. Im Loving it.
Drowzy, Emetic. No mood to eat. Bleeding finger. MRT incident is de only FLIPFLAVA fo de day. Firstly, "kid" from Bara sat beside me fo de whole damn journey. -tak jakon-. Then, Hyrul anuar came in with a Girl. clothings? Fuuyoh! . with Shiny specs Somemore.
-jakon sikit- Not only that; A guy look EXACTLY like SHAGGY hop in at Raffles. -ni baru jakon- i mumbled .."ni mesti shaggy syndicate .. Nasib bukan sean paul .. klu tidak, aku da kejar dia .. Hehe .." Futhermore, theres happyhouse girls, vondutchers, bitches which i Mainly hate. Weird sights counted in like, womens without Bras wearing a see-thru shirts-plabutos-, a stylish modern nyonya with long dyed hair,tappered pants, top. ( dari blakang nmpk muda, skali pandang muka., krepot lah ..) Many sight seeing Ive done huh?, Hehe .. Being sick, makes myself so Unpretty, slack clothes & deadface. Dont worry!as i gt well, i'll be in my every best clothes. Besides, i bought new shoe, slippers, miniskirtie & mp3! .. Im Loving it.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
i got what i wanted. Holidays!. I really need a Break. Seems like Every single day, im Out of my Crib. Simply cant stick my Butt at Home. If so, I DIE! . Ah, Sunday went to Akashah's Bday party. Met Iqmal, Ifwat, Yan, Aisah, Rnne, Dayah @ Int. at later time, Yana etc with Their Bf came. Absolute Fun :). Late afterNn met fren At mall. Dayah & me have Loooong Talks on our Personals. Late night, I&kal called. So worried for Him. *sigghhhs* Such a mother i am.
And .. after This, I have to visit the parkview Condos (4na Party). Zuzu's Area.!. Hope to spot Zu somewhere .. Im somewhat reluctant to Go. But i have to anyway. a tiring Day goes ahead ..
i got what i wanted. Holidays!. I really need a Break. Seems like Every single day, im Out of my Crib. Simply cant stick my Butt at Home. If so, I DIE! . Ah, Sunday went to Akashah's Bday party. Met Iqmal, Ifwat, Yan, Aisah, Rnne, Dayah @ Int. at later time, Yana etc with Their Bf came. Absolute Fun :). Late afterNn met fren At mall. Dayah & me have Loooong Talks on our Personals. Late night, I&kal called. So worried for Him. *sigghhhs* Such a mother i am.
And .. after This, I have to visit the parkview Condos (4na Party). Zuzu's Area.!. Hope to spot Zu somewhere .. Im somewhat reluctant to Go. But i have to anyway. a tiring Day goes ahead ..
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Free - Key. friday-
friday is the last Day of Term1. Marvelous.!. I Need a Break. Results Given. I Need to Improve. Not being A Dilapilating Nonaganarians. Assmbly after assmbly, Plus emergency Exercise. Boring Stuff.~ But talking to My Bestie: Rnne Cleared up my Throat. Secrets out, talks out. Yikess.!. & Its Free - key. H**** & *A**I* Is Another insane being Free - key. towards me. (-.-)". Better not talk Bout it. Lols~ . after Sch is when The excitement Comes. (excluding Going Hospital). Meet Haikal @ Tampines. yakyakyak!. my Beloved Hometown. x)
Im being Introduced by a Couple or 3 of his Frends. Atleast, I Find them funny & friendly. Bleh Tahan. =). Rather than "Sombong" right.. Umm, Off to Park, & Frend's Home. See bitof Clips by 8mile & hanyut etc etc. Everything went So fine Today, & Nut thing spoils it.
friday is the last Day of Term1. Marvelous.!. I Need a Break. Results Given. I Need to Improve. Not being A Dilapilating Nonaganarians. Assmbly after assmbly, Plus emergency Exercise. Boring Stuff.~ But talking to My Bestie: Rnne Cleared up my Throat. Secrets out, talks out. Yikess.!. & Its Free - key. H**** & *A**I* Is Another insane being Free - key. towards me. (-.-)". Better not talk Bout it. Lols~ . after Sch is when The excitement Comes. (excluding Going Hospital). Meet Haikal @ Tampines. yakyakyak!. my Beloved Hometown. x)
Im being Introduced by a Couple or 3 of his Frends. Atleast, I Find them funny & friendly. Bleh Tahan. =). Rather than "Sombong" right.. Umm, Off to Park, & Frend's Home. See bitof Clips by 8mile & hanyut etc etc. Everything went So fine Today, & Nut thing spoils it.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Mood Swing.
Some Peoples, Seems to be Throwing their Tantrums on Me. I Dont know why. But I felt So Dissapointed. So Dismayed. Why am i So Sensitive, Crying Terribly at this Night?. Im Useless. Today, Sharon's Bad Mood. & we Drop by Mac'D. At 1 Moment, i Get too Mad, tht i walked Off. without Her. Zuzu was there, working & spotted it. Cheeses. At Sch, No mere Differences. Im Too Fake!. trying to Be happy all This while. Nvr Contacrt my dearie for 1 Day is like Hell to me. =( So Empty.. without Him here .. wonder if he Really Knew. Hmrrrphh! Pee - yook. Moreover, Ive Lagged Communication with my Bestfrend, Rnne. whut Happened to Us? what happened to Her? alot Of Problems she's Been keeping From Me. I cant Bear to Handle My Worriedness. What Should I Do .. Where Should I Go .. Im Lost .. Hoping that tmrw wont end up WORSER..
Some Peoples, Seems to be Throwing their Tantrums on Me. I Dont know why. But I felt So Dissapointed. So Dismayed. Why am i So Sensitive, Crying Terribly at this Night?. Im Useless. Today, Sharon's Bad Mood. & we Drop by Mac'D. At 1 Moment, i Get too Mad, tht i walked Off. without Her. Zuzu was there, working & spotted it. Cheeses. At Sch, No mere Differences. Im Too Fake!. trying to Be happy all This while. Nvr Contacrt my dearie for 1 Day is like Hell to me. =( So Empty.. without Him here .. wonder if he Really Knew. Hmrrrphh! Pee - yook. Moreover, Ive Lagged Communication with my Bestfrend, Rnne. whut Happened to Us? what happened to Her? alot Of Problems she's Been keeping From Me. I cant Bear to Handle My Worriedness. What Should I Do .. Where Should I Go .. Im Lost .. Hoping that tmrw wont end up WORSER..
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
School RULEZ.
I Got My RESULTS. one peek = Bleuuuk!. Felt So Glad that my Combined Science Passed! tho' 1 of the test, i take MC. out of 6 ( supposingly 8) Failed 2 Subs. Maths + English. (Opppps, eng - my BEST subj failed? ) Dont get me Wrong. English Paper is a Complete disaster. A Passage from somekind of HighStandards articles. only 6 passes in my class. (-.-)". i need 4more marks. Damnit.
Those Dismays doesnt seem to last till Assembly. Skids abt - Gangsterism, Drugs, Sex, Family Abuse was pt up.Very - derr - gerek. =p
Afternoons we went to K.R park. Squuue!. During breathings, i took a ZzzZ. Boring~ on the bus, I eat all the way. *CRUNCHHHH!*. & btw, the instructor Sporting sia!. evrytime we gt a clever answer, he goes " I Salute u ah ". everybdy goes - Fuyooh - .. HAHA.. the outings' not bad after all..
Additional Notation:
Seems the Detention Ppls placed at the foyer beens getting on my Nerve everytime i was abt to go Home. & after that outing, there they go agn, Disturb me. OMG. *bang heads on the wall*. Dont disturb me P.L.E.A.S.E. ; coz i BITE.
*ps: abt to watch soccer/ teehees.
I Got My RESULTS. one peek = Bleuuuk!. Felt So Glad that my Combined Science Passed! tho' 1 of the test, i take MC. out of 6 ( supposingly 8) Failed 2 Subs. Maths + English. (Opppps, eng - my BEST subj failed? ) Dont get me Wrong. English Paper is a Complete disaster. A Passage from somekind of HighStandards articles. only 6 passes in my class. (-.-)". i need 4more marks. Damnit.
Those Dismays doesnt seem to last till Assembly. Skids abt - Gangsterism, Drugs, Sex, Family Abuse was pt up.Very - derr - gerek. =p
Afternoons we went to K.R park. Squuue!. During breathings, i took a ZzzZ. Boring~ on the bus, I eat all the way. *CRUNCHHHH!*. & btw, the instructor Sporting sia!. evrytime we gt a clever answer, he goes " I Salute u ah ". everybdy goes - Fuyooh - .. HAHA.. the outings' not bad after all..
Additional Notation:
Seems the Detention Ppls placed at the foyer beens getting on my Nerve everytime i was abt to go Home. & after that outing, there they go agn, Disturb me. OMG. *bang heads on the wall*. Dont disturb me P.L.E.A.S.E. ; coz i BITE.
*ps: abt to watch soccer/ teehees.
Monday, March 06, 2006
That Girl from Sec 3 is trying to Make Me "Jealous". She went Off Home with That Dude. Tsk, why Should I Care anyway? Jealousy Dont Cluck My Hands & Burst My eyeballs Nowadays. Her Frends are more like Wildbores Arent they? They Critisized me. Kanasai. Think twice shits, People Hate U guys. Stop blabbering, coz Ur Mouth Stinks!. PUKKKE!
Urgh, No wasting time, My sch Hours Went Fantab. I Lurffffes de Coach Carter Movie. I Lurffffes Maths lesson. Ms Ang is shoo Keeyut. with her new Skirtie. x) Lesson learnt : Median, Interquartile, Percentile. so E.A.S.Y. After Sch, drop by Cafe', grabbed FREE food. And went patroling + lepaking with Sharon Nearby. we talked crap all the way!. i open up a topic of Hindi movies, Hindo Heros/ins & Swimming. OMG. am i nuts? i speak out how talented, handsome, pretty they are. AND SOOOO EXCITED OVER IT. cant believe it. even sharon blurted " Rose, I never expect u to be a Biggest fan of Hindi sia. later u'll become like Julia in Cinta Bollywood; go to India" *frowns* NO NO NO never OKAY? =p im not that fully demented. yadas~
ANYWAY, i Miss Dearie loads.
=( where is He? Boo.
That Girl from Sec 3 is trying to Make Me "Jealous". She went Off Home with That Dude. Tsk, why Should I Care anyway? Jealousy Dont Cluck My Hands & Burst My eyeballs Nowadays. Her Frends are more like Wildbores Arent they? They Critisized me. Kanasai. Think twice shits, People Hate U guys. Stop blabbering, coz Ur Mouth Stinks!. PUKKKE!
Urgh, No wasting time, My sch Hours Went Fantab. I Lurffffes de Coach Carter Movie. I Lurffffes Maths lesson. Ms Ang is shoo Keeyut. with her new Skirtie. x) Lesson learnt : Median, Interquartile, Percentile. so E.A.S.Y. After Sch, drop by Cafe', grabbed FREE food. And went patroling + lepaking with Sharon Nearby. we talked crap all the way!. i open up a topic of Hindi movies, Hindo Heros/ins & Swimming. OMG. am i nuts? i speak out how talented, handsome, pretty they are. AND SOOOO EXCITED OVER IT. cant believe it. even sharon blurted " Rose, I never expect u to be a Biggest fan of Hindi sia. later u'll become like Julia in Cinta Bollywood; go to India" *frowns* NO NO NO never OKAY? =p im not that fully demented. yadas~
ANYWAY, i Miss Dearie loads.
=( where is He? Boo.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Good Part: I Met Shafeeqah. Funny SnapShots taken. =p. the bad part is: Frens Bug me For Free Tuition. & I Spot Both of My ex Under My Blk. *Frowns* They are Cousins. Hazwan & Katak (Sharifudin) on one Bike. Wan Noraimi called up To me. We all Talked. Urghhh. I hate Them. I walked Off. Katak Blurted " Muka Action sehh .." .. LOL .. I Dont care. I dislike Being Rude. Just Friends.
Good Part: I Met Shafeeqah. Funny SnapShots taken. =p. the bad part is: Frens Bug me For Free Tuition. & I Spot Both of My ex Under My Blk. *Frowns* They are Cousins. Hazwan & Katak (Sharifudin) on one Bike. Wan Noraimi called up To me. We all Talked. Urghhh. I hate Them. I walked Off. Katak Blurted " Muka Action sehh .." .. LOL .. I Dont care. I dislike Being Rude. Just Friends.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Thursday, March 02, 2006

yay, its the boyfrend season. can see tht almost all of my frends been discussing & sharing their utmost experience with their boyfrend to others. and to myself. if not boyfrends, CRUSHES. & lately, ive been tied up in love myself. =p / wakaka! / ..
today: its 7.48am, im late. result: NO SCHOOL. i continued my ZzZ till 10.48am. a nice rush to the hospital. yippeee! .. RAUL is finally born into the 2006 world .. where actually, ISLAM is already been CTZ by the KAFIR. hint: the world are about to stumble. THERE HE IS, as i entered the ward .. so KEEEEYUTTTT & SMALLL. x) OMG. his head is 3/4 of my palm. such an adorable smile., innocence .. a hero is coming back to its crib tmrw. ahh .. finally, another nephew fo me.
AFTERNOON, i came back, exhausted. chit chat chit chat .. & sharon came to my crib. we had a nice laugh, moreover, she burped & sneezed dmn loudly. kiwek! terrible. horrible. as i set off home during the dusk hour, my mind set to a certain someone. wow, am i in love baybeh? . lolls . i hope so NOT TOO SERIOUSLY.. so scared to be heartbroken. AGAIN.. i smsed haikal btw. called him up at 11.30pm. my bro was sooohh kepo & he kept teasing me. my dad & mum asked me, "laki tu dah nombor ke berapa, dek?" omg. NOMBOR KE BERAPA? make me want to shit! .. and i DO SHIT! afterthat. wakaka! im not attached.& NO PRIVACY TOO. they owes flip thru my t.c. jus to find out the latest news happening by her daughter .. Rose Idariza ..

yay, its the boyfrend season. can see tht almost all of my frends been discussing & sharing their utmost experience with their boyfrend to others. and to myself. if not boyfrends, CRUSHES. & lately, ive been tied up in love myself. =p / wakaka! / ..
today: its 7.48am, im late. result: NO SCHOOL. i continued my ZzZ till 10.48am. a nice rush to the hospital. yippeee! .. RAUL is finally born into the 2006 world .. where actually, ISLAM is already been CTZ by the KAFIR. hint: the world are about to stumble. THERE HE IS, as i entered the ward .. so KEEEEYUTTTT & SMALLL. x) OMG. his head is 3/4 of my palm. such an adorable smile., innocence .. a hero is coming back to its crib tmrw. ahh .. finally, another nephew fo me.
AFTERNOON, i came back, exhausted. chit chat chit chat .. & sharon came to my crib. we had a nice laugh, moreover, she burped & sneezed dmn loudly. kiwek! terrible. horrible. as i set off home during the dusk hour, my mind set to a certain someone. wow, am i in love baybeh? . lolls . i hope so NOT TOO SERIOUSLY.. so scared to be heartbroken. AGAIN.. i smsed haikal btw. called him up at 11.30pm. my bro was sooohh kepo & he kept teasing me. my dad & mum asked me, "laki tu dah nombor ke berapa, dek?" omg. NOMBOR KE BERAPA? make me want to shit! .. and i DO SHIT! afterthat. wakaka! im not attached.& NO PRIVACY TOO. they owes flip thru my t.c. jus to find out the latest news happening by her daughter .. Rose Idariza ..
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