Friday, July 07, 2006


after sch, we went to alazahar to eat.
a friend of mine treat the group of US, since she got her pay. yiiippee!. We grabbed a heavy meal & some tasty bites of murtabak. overall, we concluded that claypot mee is the tastiest dish on our table.
Library became our next hotspot destination, since i needed to borrow a couple of books. Thats when the strangest thing happened. I went to search for a malay fiction book when all of a sudden two cute Yussofian boys appeared beside me. They've been tagging along behind me since I entered wm. When they got nearer, I went further away. They've been whispering, staring & figgiting for 5mins when suddenly Sugardaddy appeared & cut off the scene. It's not the first time, they've been doing this @ sch too. Superrweeeirdd.
Before I set off home, I managed to spend time with Ruff & we shared our secrets & problems. I told him off how weird it is, a friend of Ruf..sec 4 guy.. simply to have a crush on me. I just cant accept the fact & trying to take it as a joke. we spot rasul's geng playing st & they were like teasing me off about something. hurhur. whereas at night, a friend of mine dropped by my house & used computer. Sooo glad that to day turned out great. Toodleeess. muacks~

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