Monday, July 31, 2006

Saturday, was great.
Went out with one of the twinbrothers.
We had high quality fun hanging around jurong point & causeway point. He was so grateful to get his mobile phone back from Nokia centre. Although we did not spend our time for 24hours, I truly enjoyed each other's company.

Today dated 1st of August,
I did not attend school simply because I'd consumed viruses causing my nose to be deadly distrupted since Sunday.

On Sunday, my whole family caught ourselves in Sentosa.

Both my brother & brother-in-law are involved in Soccer Tournament held near Pahlawan Beach. Since they could not got into finals, we used the remaining time taking pictures, playing the drifting waves & had a wonderful picnic!

Thanks to mum for the homemade food.

Deadly delicious. (:

Due to those waves & cold weather, Im gifted with sickness. Well, overall I don't regret upon my doings, as long I am satisfied.

Besides that, I'm worried about my bestfriend's situation.

We both agreed that to let the problems be.

"Why look out on others' mistakes when you yourself is not perfect?"

Think twice homosapiens.
Cheeros idiots (:

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Happy Birthday To Me, Rose Idariza. (:

First & Foremost, I want to thank these listed peoples for taking troubles to wish me a happy birthday one-on-one.


-My Sister

ETC! there seems to be alot. I don't want to grind my brain anymore.

Mdm Rehana, my form teacher remembered my Birthday & she wished me in the early morning. That's totally sweet. During Chemistry class, she brought me foward facing all my classmates & they began to sing me a Birthday song. Cool, even though i'm not willing to stand & stared. The followng day, she gave me a present.

On Friday,

My friends decided to bring me to watch Nacho Libre!

Sooo funny. I occupied seats between Sugardaddy & Rusdn. We bought popcorns, 4 medium cups of water, 1 sausage & 2 potato chips in total.. Blewed away many bucks.
After hanging out with them..

My parents treated me @ Bagus IMM.

Met rNNe's mother & introduce my family to her. Had a short chat & I;m off digging! I had Garlic Bread, Rojak & Tomyam Soup. My other family members had 2 meals each. From Laksa to Beef Noodles, Bolognese Spagetti & such. I wonder how much we spended on overall!
But it seems that I'm having a great time this week. (:

Friday, July 14, 2006

I'm feeling nauseous lately til yesterday I had to take an early leave home.

I wonder what's wrong with me.

I didnt even had the luxury of time to spend on surfing the net. Guess I'd been too busy burying myself in piles of hws. Tooo much of accounting & Ptolemy's Geocentric model of the universe. I had to hold on, even if my head somehow hurts.

Besides that, I MISS THEM.

There are so many inponderables that is impossible to make an accurate prediction of how much & why I miss them. :(
Maybe they're just too special to me?

Not sure.

I got to spend cute quality time with them today. We had sooo much laugh on the topics we brought & made out.
I was just moaning about having a stomach ache when suddenly sugar spit topics about Shit! from there we talked about our childhood experience on how we used to passed out & such. Haha! Taklehh anngss. Then to all kinds of stupid topics.

After that, One by one went off seperate ways & we're down to me, sugar, Ruff & Rusdn. Send sugar home & I'm left with Rusdn & Ruff. It became more peacefull & I headed home, leaving them both behind. I need to brush up my studies & my mother wanted me home to accompany her for urgent mattters.
How sad I can't attend today's Interact meeting,
Im hoping they would understand.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I tried soo hard to draw a smile even though Im crying inside. Dayah's no longer belong to our group. She had moved on with her life with Glenn's group. One by one leaving us behind. Yesterday, Ruff decided to leave us for a while to accomplish his task in observing. Even though I dont want him to leave badly, I just have to swallow the sorrow & wish him goodluck. :(
I can only fully depend on ramdhan, faRED & the twins: Rusdan&Rusydi. I realised that all of them starts with letter R. Even my lovely Bestfriend : rNNe. besides that are all my other friends, classmates which are there to hold me on. soo thankfull.
Today was a great day. For today's P.e Lesson, I played badminton with rNNe. Gossh, totally tiresome! Instead of smacking the shuttlecock to London, she landed it to Paris! Get it?? But overall, it's a wonderful game.
I urged myself to be more attentive in class & forced myself to do my homework. I realised, im beginning to get used to it. Only one negative trash I've done today is.. nt to complete my essay for Rehearsals. Dammiits. Well, The rest of the day, I managed to spend quality time with my buddies. And now I know 'who love who'. KIKIKI. (:

Friday, July 07, 2006


after sch, we went to alazahar to eat.
a friend of mine treat the group of US, since she got her pay. yiiippee!. We grabbed a heavy meal & some tasty bites of murtabak. overall, we concluded that claypot mee is the tastiest dish on our table.
Library became our next hotspot destination, since i needed to borrow a couple of books. Thats when the strangest thing happened. I went to search for a malay fiction book when all of a sudden two cute Yussofian boys appeared beside me. They've been tagging along behind me since I entered wm. When they got nearer, I went further away. They've been whispering, staring & figgiting for 5mins when suddenly Sugardaddy appeared & cut off the scene. It's not the first time, they've been doing this @ sch too. Superrweeeirdd.
Before I set off home, I managed to spend time with Ruff & we shared our secrets & problems. I told him off how weird it is, a friend of Ruf..sec 4 guy.. simply to have a crush on me. I just cant accept the fact & trying to take it as a joke. we spot rasul's geng playing st & they were like teasing me off about something. hurhur. whereas at night, a friend of mine dropped by my house & used computer. Sooo glad that to day turned out great. Toodleeess. muacks~

Thursday, July 06, 2006

dont be such a big fuck.
i never ever cared.

just realise u're bangla bitches.

may god bless you.

u're one potential person;
to join makbedahs' club & rot.

because u're not the only one.

as if he's the best one ard.
nobody ever bothers.


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

There are a number of reasons that people lie. The first is fear. This is the most common reason that people may lie, and they are taking shelter from a perceived punishment. It may be because they know they have done something wrong a single time, in which case it is not compulsive lying. But if they are always in fear of being punished, it may become a habit, which is a second reason for lying. In this case, it may become compulsive lying, which is lying by reflex. Even when confronted by the truth, they insist the lie is the truth in this case. A third case is learning to lie through modeling. When a people see others lie, especially when they get away with it, they may become more prone to lying. Finally, people lie because they feel if they tell the truth they won't get what they want. Thus, out of the main reasons for lying, only lying by habit can truly be called "compulsive lying."