Friday, June 23, 2006

- Sat like an itchy maggot,
on the last seats at cinema;
I & the chickenns aliveeee.
Watched "SCARY MOVIE 4"
Ya Allah! I cant stop laughing xiass!
DISGUSTING & i'm disgusted.
But it's worth a laughing stock.
Moreover, there's ladies ctg bside me.
Basket btol, mcm hyena terbiar!
" Tampar, terbang .. "
Even it's not at ALL FUNNY,
they still laugh! errrrrrrrr..
I went " What the fish? "
Why r they so dodo?
Luckily, i can still cope with it.

Back home, i scribbled on my notepad.
letting it out with a heavy heart,
" It's IMPORTANT to have ..
SOMEONE u can confide with"

But i didn't have any. Even if i do have, it's just not the right person to confide with. I let out my emotional crippling problems but they will find a way to disembark & disentangle from it! some will walk in when the whole world had walked out & imagine they were in my shoes & result me some advices. But somehow, a problem like im having, they 're not the right shoe size for this.
When im on phone with them, tears start rolling down even before i manage to start to tell. Instead, we drifted to diff kinds of topics .. magically, i end up laughing; forgetting my problems. but still, i need a listening ear.

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